Excursionnistes Paris Français

Paris sightseeing - Tour operators

Tour operators make it easier for you to discover Paris by organizing sightseeing tours and guided visits in your language. Most of them indeed offer a full range of tours to choose from: Guided visits of Paris most renowned museums (Louvre, Orsay, ...) and landmarks (Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Montmartre...) or guided tours in and out of Paris (Versailles, Giverny). Please find here a list of the most important and reliable sightseeing operators in Paris.

130 tours and activities in Paris

Experience a romantic dinner cruise on the Seine
River, visit Louvre museum with a guide, get tickets for the Moulin Rouge... 130 tours and activities in Paris

Tours and activities

List of sightseeing and tour operators in Paris

Here is a short list of local sightseeing tour companies operating in and out of Paris.

  • Paris Vision: 2 rue des pyramides, 75001 Paris - Phone: 01 44 55 60 00
  • Paris Trip: 2 Cité de Pusy 75017 Paris - Phone: 01 56 79 05 23
  • Paris Open Tour: 13, rue Auber 75009 Paris - Phone: 01 42 66 56 56
  • Les Cars Rouges: 17, Quai de Grenelle 75015 Paris - Phone: 01 53 95 39 53
  • France Tourisme: 33, Quai des Grands Augustins 75006 Paris - Tel : 01 53 10 35 35
  • 4 roues sous 1 parapluie: 22, rue Bernard Dimey 75018 Paris - Phone: 01 58 59 27 82
  • Viator: Recommended - Website presenting top sightseeing tours operated by local companies.

City tours: Organize your trip

Our picks of the best city tours

Make the most of a visit to Paris with a tour. We have reviewed and selected the best city tours and excursions in Paris and surroundings: Best city tours

Tour - Sightseeing operators - Paris